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Livonex – Ayurvedic Medicine for Liver Problem


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Ayurvedic Medicine for Liver Problems

Ayurvedic Tonic for Fatty Liver
Ayurvedic medicine for liver problem treatment/ liver infection treatment, The
Liver is one of the most important organs of the human body, and needs to be fit and healthy all the time. It not only removes waste and purges the system, but it also aids in maintaining the body’s physical health.

As a result, liver diseases not only pose a threat to life but also result in a host of additional issues. Long-term treatment for any illness also has a lot of negative side effects and directly harms the liver, resulting in permanent damage. 

LIVONEX-33 For liver problem treatment

Research has demonstrated excellent outcomes in guys who regularly ingest Tablets of Livonex 33. Their immune is stimulated by it, which aids in lowering the frequency of persistent colds and coughing. It facilitates proper breathing by opening up the nasal walls.

The LIVONEX-33 tablet has no antibacterial characteristics, but it does protect the liver and spleen against toxicity and induce the contraction of the gallbladder. In men, the kidneys perform admirably and produce favorable outcomes.

All types of fevers are helped by the bitter herb’s antibacterial characteristics, which serve as a cooling agent on the body and lower body temperatures in males who have acute fevers like malaria and the flu. All allergens that affect them while their immunity is severely low are treated. Helps with diarrhoea and dysentery: The bitter plant offers calming, cooling qualities.

There are a lot of long-term liver fatalities like cirrhosis and other diseases that can be life-threatening to people, thus it is very important to keep the liver in check. Also, a damaged liver can spark problems in other organs as well, like depleting shine in skin and hair and permanent harm to the digestive system.

One may always count on Livonex 33 as a fantastic natural liver treatment supplement and long-term fix in the event of a weak liver. Utilizing our most potent Ayurvedic Medicine for Liver Problems, we provide natural liver treatment, Livonex – 33.

Natural Liver Problem Treatments and Remedy 

Due to its extremely bitter characteristics, LIVONEX-33 (Kalmegh) is also known as Mahatika and is referred to as the King of Bitter Herbs. It is a member of the Andrographis acanthaceae family. Males primarily take this traditional herbal treatment liver as a tonic to cure recurrent colds and influenza. Ayurvedic medicine for liver problems (Livonex) comes in powder and capsule form and is a natural cure for the liver. 

Benefits of Ayurvedic medicine for liver problem 

Livonex-33 has all the blood-purifying properties. It not only purifies the blood but also is extremely beneficial in various skin diseases, and enlargement of the liver and spleen. The bitter herb acts as an appetizer, activates the liver, and eliminates intestinal worms. It acts as a cleansing agent in the advanced stages of malaria, dysentery and influenza. This herbal remedy liver has shown excellent results in men.

Livonex-33 tablets.

It works as a stimulant on their immunity, which helps reduce chronic colds and coughs. It opens up the nasal walls, which aids breathing normally. Protects the liver and spleen: LIVONEX-33 pill has no antibacterial properties and helps protect the liver and spleen from toxic injury and stimulates gallbladder contraction. The kidneys function extremely well and show positive results in men.

Helps in all kinds of fever: The bitter herb has antibacterial properties, which act as a cooling agent on the body and bring down temperatures in males who suffer from acute fevers like malaria and influenza. They are cured of all allergies that enter the body when their immunity is very low. Helps in diarrhoea and dysentery: The bitter herb has properties that are very cooling and relaxing.

It acts as a laxative that benefits in reducing diarrhoea and dysentery arising from bacterial infections. The pill kills the infectious worms in the body.

Description of medicine for liver disease:

The liver is the largest internal organ of the body, and it is important that it works properly when performing different functions. LIVONEX -33 is a simple treatment that contains 7 different healthy herbs that promote the secretion of bile, support liver cell integrity and keep the liver strong. The herbs in this unique formulation are assisting in existing liver strength when dealing with challenges.

Kutki AB (Picrorrhiza Kurroa) 50 mg: treatment of liver cirrhosis, jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, modulates liver enzyme level,

Sarpankha AB (Tephrosia Purpurea) 50 mg: Beneficial in anorexia, hemorrhoids, flatulence, abdominal pain, tumors, dysmenorrhea, spleen, liver, and digestive disorders

Bhumi Amla AB (Phylenthus Niruri) 50 mg: effective in urinary tract infections, tuberculosis, gallbladder stones, cholesterol, jaundice, inhibits hepatitis -B,

Daru Haldi(AB(Berberis Aristata) 40 mg: helpful in sluggish liver, anorexia, fungal infection, eczema, psoriasis, STD(sexually transmitted diseases), cirrhosis

Bhringraj AB (Eclipta Alba) 50 mg: rejuvenates the body, improves digestion, and enriches the blood, treating skin diseases

Gali AB (Indigofera) 10 mg: effective in any type of liver toxic disorders, arthritis, indigestion

Punarnava(AB (Borhavia Diffusa) 50 mg: improves kidney functions, anemia, blood purifier, anti-oxidant, obesity

Benefits of liver infection treatment:

It cures anemia, hepatomegaly and combats Jaundice, indigestion, and loss of appetite, anorexia and various abdominal disorders.

Helpful in menstruation problems in women

It is a natural tonic, that effectively works in a short period of time.

Dosage on liver problem treatment:

This Livonex -33 tablets for liver tumor treatment can be taken 1 or 2 capsules per day as recommended by the physician along with regular diet and exercise. The diet can be taken as per the dosha chart with the ideal weight depending on the age of the person. If prescribed by the doctor for Ayurvedic medicine for liver disease – Livonex -33 can be consumed 1 or 2 capsules daily in addition to your regular diet and activity. The medicine has lots of potential benefits. Keep away from the reach of children.


Eat something before consuming this remedy daily as told by the physician. Small kids are not to be given this medicine. Only patients above the age of 14 years can have this treatment. Natural Cures For the Liver protect the liver and spleen from toxic injury and stimulate.

Page tag: Ayurvedic medicine for fatty liver


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